Gary Stein Case: Military Board Recommends Dismissal For Marine Who Criticized President Obama On Facebook

Friday, April 06, 2012

"Armed Forces Tea Party" was the name of his Facebook page. He should be bounced for that alone. You cannot endorse a political party or group as a member of the armed services. These policies are what separate the US military from the Brownshirts and the SS. The military is apolitical for very good reasons. This guy has to go.

A military board has recommended dismissal for a Marine sergeant who criticized President Barack Obama on his Facebook page, including allegedly putting the president's face on a "Jackass" movie poster.

The Marine Corps administrative board said after a daylong hearing late Thursday at Camp Pendleton that Sgt. Gary Stein has committed misconduct and should be dismissed.

The board also recommended that Stein be given an other-then-honorable discharge. That would mean Stein would lose his benefits and would not be allowed on any military base.

Blunt Amendment Vote: Contraception Measure Fails In Senate

Thursday, March 01, 2012

"This is just the beginning," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said on the Senate floor before the vote. "If the government is allowed to tell people to buy health care, it won't stop there. I wonder what's next? This isn't about one particular religion -- it's about the right of any American to live out their faith without the government picking and choosing which doctrines they're allowed to follow."

That's right, Mitch. It should be business owners picking and choosing what doctrines their employees are allowed to follow. That's a much better system.

What a tool.

NBC News Fires Back At Glenn Greenwald's McCaffrey Report (UPDATE: Greenwald Responds)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

So NBC took the time to write a letter that confirms the major elements of Glenn Greenwald's story: They DID have Barry McCaffrey speak on Iran at a recent editorial board meeting. It IS their policy to hear from "leading analysts" like McCaffrey. Nowhere do they even address the central issue raised by Greenwald's piece. McCaffrey has multiple conflicts of interest which were well established by Pulitzer-winning reportage. Yet they conclude that Greenwald's piece was "woefully inaccurate." It would help their case if they could point out a single inaccuracy as opposed to demonstrating how accurate it was.

Greenwald's piece is worth reading for a number of reasons including the images from McCaffrey's powerpoint presentation. Note the use of the flag icon boasting his four star general status. McCaffrey's been retired since 1996. But this creepy influence peddler and war profiteer still expects everyone to stand up and salute. And NBC seems all too willing to do so.

Michele Bachmann At CPAC: Former GOP Candidate Slams Prop 8 Ruling, Meets Chuck Woolery

Saturday, February 11, 2012

"Majority rules," he said, dismissing the idea that minorities need protections. "We were born with natural rights. We don't need civil rights. [African-Americans] don't need civil rights. They don't need them. They have inalienable rights granted by God in the Constitution. I mean, I'm discriminated against all the time. I don't care. It doesn't bother me. [I'm discriminated against] because I'm old. I'm too old to get a job as a game show host. They say, well, the guy's 71 and in five years he'll be 76. And I’m a one per center, and I'm absolutely discriminated against as a one per center."

Yes, the age discrimina­tion that keeps millionair­e septuagena­rians from being game show hosts is a real tragedy. It's our national shame and I'm surprised Woolery isn't more outspoken about the injustice. I guess being able to nap on piles of money makes it all a little easier to bear.

So a people who were brought to this country as slaves and faced discrimina­tion and lynching are just like retired entertaine­rs. As are people who are denied their inalienabl­e right to get married and visit their loved ones in hospital... because God wrote the US Constituti­on... huh... (???)

SaveUsChuc­kWoolery.c­om = Narcissist

Santorum Backer Says Newt Gingrich Looks Like Paula Deen

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Far more insulting to Paula Deen than it is to Newt. I can't believe how juvenile this beauty contest has gotten. I'm embarrasse­d for the lot of them.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Karen Handel, Susan G. Komen Executive, Quits Over Planned Parenthood Dispute

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

"I openly acknowledg­e my role in the matter and continue to believe our decision was the best one for Komen's future and the women we serve." ~ Karen Handel upon her resignatio­n from Susan G. Komen Foundation

FLASHBACK: "Well, let me just for the record tell you, Karen did not have anything to do with this decision." ~ Nancy Brinker, founder of Susan G. Komen Foundation in an interview with Andrea Mitchell

Where I come from, we call that lying.

Shadrack McGill, Alabama State Senator, Says Keeping Teacher Pay Low 'A Biblical Principle'

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

"Teachers need to make the money that they need to make," McGill said, according to the Times-Journal. "If you double a teacher's pay scale, you'll attract people who aren't called to teach ... and these teachers that are called to teach, regardless of the pay scale, they would teach. It's just in them to do. It's the ability that God give 'em."

Exactly. That's why we need to cap CEO pay. People who are called to be CEOs do it for the love of it. You throw mad amounts of money at these people and they start making really bad decisions.­.. as we've seen.

Newt Gingrich Florida Primary Results 2012: The Candidate Who Refuses To Operate Within Reality

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Like school on Saturday. No class.

Gingrich, in fact, never even congratula­ted Romney on his win.

Wisconsin Protests: State Police Pursue Democratic Lawmakers Boycotting Vote

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I love this!

The move produced a frantic political drama, as state troopers were reportedly sent out to find the fleeing lawmakers and Walker hinted that the National Guard would be called in to fill the void left by protesting union workers.

So they have to call up the National Guard because the cops are in the public union and may get a case of the blue flu. And who will fill the void for the National Guard which is a little tied up in Afghanista­n right now? It's a freakin' comedy of errors.

Sarah Palin: Political Speech Can Cause Violence

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I just got 'round to reading this blog on Palin's speech and I'm glad to see that someone else picked up on how Sarah Palin can't get through a short speech without completely contradicting herself on the central issue of that speech. This one made my eyes spin around their sockets. I mean... huh?

At no other point in her address were Beck's phony-baloney, maudlin dramatics more apparent than when she accused the press of inciting violence against her: "Especially within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn."

So when a public figure says something incendiary on television, it can trigger violence, and, therefore, public figures should be careful about their language. Let that be a warning, Keith Olbermann. No recommendations for "Second Amendment remedies" to our problems. And chill out, Arianna Huffington, with anything resembling the word "reload." Sarah Palin said that words can motivate people to commit violence. So cut the crap.

Except she doesn't believe that. How do we know? She said so in the very same presentation: "Acts of monstrous criminality stand on their own. They begin and end with the criminals who commit them."

That's a direct contradiction. We can only gather that, in her opinion, words are and are not responsible for inciting violence. Confused?

I guess words or are only dangerous if she's the potential victim (more of her narcissism). But she has no ability to cause anything with her rhetoric... and that's what makes her a political leader who should be taken seriously in a presidential run... the fact that she's completely ineffectual... (???)