Jenna Bush has her father's talent for treating people like idiots. Her answers in a Q & A in Time show her to be an expert in insulting people's intelligence, which she apparently intends to do professionally as a teacher and writer.
Of course she's not in Iraq, silly citizen. That's not a "practical question." No, the chicken-hawk doesn't fall far from the nest. And, um... how can a question be practical or impractical?
I think my skills are better suited for teaching and representing the U.S. in Latin America through UNICEF.
Oh, where to begin...
As a teacher, the most important thing is that all kids get a quality education.
Huh? I think what you're going for, Jenna, is more along the lines of "As a teacher, I think the most important...[bla, bla, bla]"
There are millions of kids that aren't in school.
Oh dear. No, Jenna. "There are millions of kids who aren't in school."
I think it's very sweet that you want to educate little brown children in the third world, but I think it would be a good idea if you put the beer down and learned some grammar.
So, let's see... She thinks the idea of serving in the war of her generation -- a war she believes in -- is absurd. She's pursuing career goals for which she is completely unqualified... Yeah, she's Dubya's daughter, all right.
This is hilarious and sad at the same time. I wouldn't let her near my child on a bet.
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