Welcome to the newest addition to the blogroll, Waiting for Dorothy. It seems like a lovely site, but more to the point, I noticed in my stats that I was getting hits from their blogroll. I try to add sites whenever I notice that they have added me. It's more than a courtesy. It's a philosophy.
Skippy has has done a couple of great pieces on how the the great blogroll purge has implications beyond the drop in immediate click-through for those of us with "lesser" blogs. Google site rankings are, of course, based in part on link popularity. So a healthy blogroll is a big part of keeping the greater left wing blogosphere visible to surfers in oh so many ways.
If you've you linked to me, and I haven't linked you back, it's because I don't know about it. Feel free to give me a nudge.
Addendum: And another. Thanks for the link Wilkins Times.

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Thanks for the kind invitation. Here I am:
Glad to be part of the family.
If you had a blog that didn't approve of hitting pregnant women with baseball bats, maybe...after the Curmudgette gets a total frontal lobotomy...and even then, I think she'd retain just enough sense to not link to you.
Or that could be a different section of the Blogroll: "People We Loathe."
DavidByron said...
So if I had a blog and I linked to this site then you would link to my site?
Not on a dare, DB. Not even with a stolen blogroll.
Seriously, I think I'd sooner link to Free Republic. As you know I'd fight to the death for your right to spew your idiocy, but a link is an endorsement. I gladly link to people with whom I have disagreement. But where you're concerned it's not so much disagreement as an ideological fault line.
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